June 26, 2009
xStarter 1.9.3
- Actions for working with SFTP have been added, that are SFTPSyncDownload, SFTPSyncUpload, SFTPDownload and SFTPUpload.
- Polish language has been updated. A lot of thanks to Janusz Grzybek.
- Hook libraries have been modified for working with window events and getting window titles in Unicode.
- The FtpSyncUpload action has been optimized. Now the entire structure of the directory on the FTP server will not be requested in case a small number of local directories/files are specified.
- Now it is possible to specify string variable input on multiple lines and to select several files in the InputVar action.
- The parameter allowing you to specify exceptions has been added in the Backup action.
- In case any errors occur in the service application, they will neither be displayed on the screen nor interrupt other active tasks. You will be offered to send reports about these bugs to the support service next time you open the main window of the program.
- The DeleteRegistryData action has been added.
- The SetFileDateTime action has been added.
- Now it is possible to set coordinates with the help of a "sight" in the MouseMove action.
- Now it is possible to differentiate between windows by ClassName in the WindowCommand, FindWindows, WaitWindow, SendKey and SendText actions. It is also possible to select windows with a "sight".
- The Html2Text action now determines the encoding of loaded pages and changes it before converting them to text.
- The WriteToLog and ReadFromLog actions working with text files have been switched to Unicode. Now it is possible to specify the Unicode encoding type: UTF-8 or UTF-16.
- The option checking the existence of the file has been removed from the Delete action, it is always checked now. Now it is possible not to delete files in subdirectories, it is especially useful if file masks are used.
- The SendKey and SendText actions have been switched to Unicode. It allows you not to specify the keyboard layout when you send text to programs supporting Unicode.
- File copy operations (in the Synchronize, Copy, Move actions) now use a new mechanism that makes them work faster. Also, now directory attributes and NTFS properties are copied completely when file operations are performed.
- The system kernel has been completely switched to Unicode. Now it is possible to use characters from different encodings in any parameters. All actions working with processes, the clipboard, drives, files, FTP, windows, tasks and variables now completely support Unicode.
- The new DeleteEmptyFolders action deleting empty folders inside the specified one.
- The new ContinueLoop action for jumping to the next loop iteration.
- Now it is possible to specify the priority of processes being run in the RunProcess, 7zPack actions.
- The bug with the request of administrator privileges has been fixed.
- The problem with the web interface in the Web Pilot version has been fixed.
January 26, 2009
xStarter 1.9.2
- Now it is possible to fulfill missed jobs. Scheduled jobs that were not performed because the computer was off or the program was not running may become missed jobs.
- The projectors MITSUBISHI XL6600U/XL6500U/XL6600LU/XL6500LU are now supported in the ProjectControl action.
- The new ShowMessageExt action has been added.
- The event occurring at program startup now returns the PID of the process and the handle of the main window MainWnd.
- Now it is possible to enable/disable all jobs in a section.
- Event parameters are now sent to jobs run in a separate process as well.
- The UnZip action now returns the list of extracted files.
- The FtpSetPermissions action allowing you to set permissions for files and folders on an FTP server has been added.
- Now it is possible to select the sorting type for the list of returned files in the SearchFiles action.
- The WriteToLog action now has the option of clearing the log file before writing to it.
- The PIDs parameter returning the list of PIDs for found processes has been added to the LaunchedProcessCount action.
- The option disabling the context menu for each task in the system tray is now available. Now a job will be run when you click it.
- The folder with sections is now located in the system data folder by default, instead of Program Files. It is true if the program is not installed above its old location. If it is, sections will remain where they are.
- The SendKey action now sends keystrokes in series, which makes the operation faster in case of multi-user configurations.
- The problem with the USBSafeRemove action in Windows Vista has been fixed.
- The problem with executing scripts in the FbIbScriptExecute action and further operations in the dataset has been fixed.
- The bug in the trigger for the Firebird/Interbase events has been fixed.
- Fixed some other minor bugs.
July 28, 2008
xStarter 1.9.1
- A new option allowing you to download only new messages is now available in the CheckMail action.
- Now it is possible to pass keystrokes to the system login (or computer lock) dialog box in the SendCtrlAltDel action. For example, now you can send the Ctrl+Alt+Del key combination if the computer is locked and then emulate typing the password and pressing Enter.
- Now you use the file trigger to enable and disable running tasks when accessing files (for example, if you open files properties in Explorer).
- Now it is possible to use event parameters in tasks run on the current user's desktop.
- Now the Dialup / Connect action has the Errors parameter containing the text of errors that occurred during a connection attempt.
- The FileVersion parameter allowing you to get the file version is now available in the FileProperites action.
- The interface for specifying the task that should be enabled, disabled or run has been changed in the EnableTask, DisableTask and RunTask actions. This change will allow you to use the "." character in the names of sections and tasks.
- A new parameter allowing you to block the keyboard and mouse for a while (while keystrokes are being passed) is now available in the SendKeys and SendText actions.
- The SendMouse, SetWindowPos and SetWindowMenu actions for sending mouse commands, setting window coordinates and operations with the menu have been added.
- The SevenZPack and SevenZUnpack actions for packing/unpacking files in 7zip have been added.
- Now you can filter actions by text in the action list.
- Now you can add a comment to each action and expression in the task.
- Now it is possible to search for tasks by the specified text in the task name or in the actions/their parameters.
- The div and mod operations are now available in the MathOperation action.
- The GetMousePos action has been added.
- The DATETIME function has been added.
- The HTML output parameter is now available in the Html2Text action.
- The problem with displaying the program icon in the tray in Windows 2003 R2 and the enabled option of displaying the icon only for some users.
- The problem with creating a desktop shortcut to a task in case the program is running as an NT service has been fixed.
- The problem with the width of the first column in the action list in case of a lot of embedded actions has been fixed.
- The problem with displaying the menu in the tray in case several monitors are used on the computer has been fixed.
- The bug causing an error with stopping the service during a logout in multi-user configurations (for example, in case of RDP sessions) has been fixed.
- The bug causing an error with displaying a file name while saving tasks/section in Windows Vista has been fixed.
February 27, 2008
xStarter 1.9.0
- Microsoft Windows Vista suport added.
- The RunProcess action now has the option for the console type of running an application allowing you to get the text output of the application into the log or into the resulting action variable - ConsoleOutput.
- The action for sending the Ctrl+Alt+Del key combination has been added.
- The new SetFileAttributes action for settings file attributes has been added.
- The new CheckTCPIPPort action checking whether the specified port is occupied or free has been added.
- The new Beep action has been added.
- The SendSkypeMessage action for sending Skype messages has been added.
- The event triggered when USB or other removable drives are connected/removed has been added.
- The new USBSafeRemove action for safe USB drive removal has been added.
- The "Leave last N files" option has been added in the DeleteOldBackups and DeleteOldFiles actions.
- The Download action now correctly processes redirects 301 and 302.
- The option enabling search in subfolders has been added in the FirstLastFile action.
- The new IsWriteAccessibe variable has been added in the FileProperties action.
- Now it is possible to send messages via action SendMail in the HTML format.
- Now not a settled list of log sources, but the very sources of the current computer are now present in the event reacting to records in NT event logs. Similarly, the list is no longer a settled one in the NTEventLogMessage event.
- Now it is possible to specify hexadecimal codes of data sent to the device connected to the COM port in the SerialPortWrite and SerialPortWriteEx actions.
- The DateTimeMath2 action has been renamed into DateTimeMathD, it has been done for the internal parser of the program to work correctly. Manual renaming will be necessary in actions where the results of DateTimeMath2 are used (change 2 for D).
- The Title parameter has been added in the ShowMessage and AskMessage actions. It allows you to specify titles for message windows.
- The option for selecting the monitor in case there are several monitors in the system has been added in the ScreenShot action.
- The user authentication parameter has been added to the HTTPPost and HTTPPostFile actions.
- The Delete action now supports file masks.
- Variables for sending additional keypad keystrokes have been added to the SendKey action (NUMPAD_MULTIPLY, NUMPAD_SEPARATOR, etc.).
- Tasks with the option of launching on the current desktop started from a service will now start for all users currently connected to the computer.
- The xTaskExe.bin file necessary for compiling .exe files for tasks is now distributed together with the main program and there is no need to download/install it separately.
- The buttons for enabling/disabling the autoheight mode for action lines have been added to the action list (the upper-right table corner).
- Now it is possible to copy text from the task log into the clipboard.
- The Ctrl+S key combination acts as Apply now.
- Now it is possible to select several actions in the action list to be copied to another task.
- Fixed some other minor bugs.
August 27, 2007
xStarter 1.8.9
- The RefreshTray action has been added, it is used to clear the icons of the program that are not running any more from the tray.
- All FTP actions now support the PASV command that is used to switch to the passive mode (the Force old port option).
- Action Print now have simple printer selection.
- Now it is possible to work with databases via ADO:the AdoConnect action is used to connect to a database, the AdoQuery action is used to perform a query, the AdoQueryValue function is used to get values from a query, the AdoQueryEof, AdoQueryBof functions are used to get the status of a query, the AdoQueryOperation action is used to move inside a query or to close it, the AdoDisconnect action is used to disconnect from a database.
- Now it is possible to work with queries in the xStarter FBIB: the fbIbQuery action is used to perform a query, the FbIbQueryValue function is used to get values from a query, the FbIbQueryEof, FbIbQueryBof functions are used to get the status of a query, the FbIbQueryOperation action is used to move inside a query or to close it.
- The InputVar action now allows you to enter not only the date, but also the time, it also has special fields for selecting folders or files and allows you to specify string values for selecting them from a drop-down menu.
- Variables on the Vars tab now allow you to enter not only the date, but also the time, they can also display special fields for selecting folders or files.
- By default, somewhat different rules are now used to process variables and functions, they are now enclosed in square brackets. This change allows you to use variables, the results of performed actions, etc. in the SendKey action.
- When you save a section from the File menu of the program, all tasks in the section get new internal identifiers. It makes it possible to avoid confusion when tasks from the new and old sections are run.
- The SearchText and SearchParamsText actions can now return a string with the matching text as well.
- The Zip and Backup actions are now implemented via another component to make zip files and there are no more problems with the names of non-English files inside archives.
- The new DeleteOldFiles action that works similarly to DeleteOldBackups, but is oriented to the file date.
- New action FileExist.
- Action GetDateTime now return week number of date.
- xStarter WebPilot now have function {Client_IP}, returning TCP/IP address of connected computer.
- The bug in GetTextBlockCount has been fixed, the action used to return 1 item more than the actual number of items.
- Fixed some other minor bugs.
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