September 17, 2004
xStarter 1.55
- In action SendICQMessage has been added proxy settings.
- In action DeleteMain has been added opption "Delete all mails".
- Fixed: Problem with launching tasks on interval
scheduler has been fixed.
September 7, 2004
xStarter 1.54
- New action for reading strings from text (log) files.
- New option in File trigger that allows you to launch tasks only after completing copying or creating of new files.
- It's possible now to create shortcuts to xStarter tasks on the Windows Desktop.
- Window trigger has been extended. Now tasks can be launched on the child or main process window focusing.
- New parameters that returns parameters of the window from which the window trigger was launched.
Spanish language has been added. A lot of thanks to Angel Julio Liarte.
Slovenian language has been added. A lot of thanks to Dusan Stojanovic.
- Fixed: Critical error what was periodically crashing the xStarter program.
- Fixed: The file trigger system has been rewritten - now it requires smaller system loading.
- Fixed: Other minor errors.
August 13, 2004
xStarter 1.53
- New action for connecting and disconnecting shared network resources. Program fill username and password itself.
- All tasks now can be ran in different process. In this case it’s possible to run task from other user then current logged on.
- All password filled in program now stored in crypt form.
- Now even if main program (xstarter.exe) works like NT service then the main configuration window (xstartui.exe) runs from current logged on user and with security rights of this user.
- It’s possible now to see log of runs/executions of all xStarter tasks.
- In Zip action was added option for archiving with password.
- Idle trigger was extended. Now tasks can be executed not only after some idle time but also then this idle time will finished (user press keys or move mouse).
- Fixed: Error with saving complex format of time.
- Fixed: Other minor errors.
July 23, 2004
xStarter 1.52
- New action for folders creating.
- Program launching speed up.
- Directory changing event now return created/changes/deleted files and in subfolders.
- Fixed: Errors with launching program on fast processors (2.6GHz and above).
- Fixed: Freezing program on exit if it was launched as NT service.
- Fixed: Some other errors.
June 28, 2004
xStarter 1.51
- New action for launching xStarter task from another xStarter task.
- All errors what occured while file coping now writes in the program's log file.
- In integrated functions was added functions what returns: YEAR, MONTH, DAY, HOUR, MINUTE, SECOND and MILLISECOND.
- Fixed: Memory leaks.
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