
This Action is designed for archiving files and/or folders in ZIP format.

Files and Folders List
This is a list of files and folders to be archived.

Add Folder
When the button is clicked, a list of folders is displayed. When a particular folder is chosen and "OK" button is clicked, the folder's name is added to the list of files/folders to be archived.

Add File(s)
When the button is clicked, a list of files is displayed. When a particular file is chosen and "OK" button is clicked, the file's name is added to the list of files/folders to be archived.

When the button is clicked, the highlighted item is removed from the list of files/folders to be archived.

Name of Archive
This is a name of the archive (e.g. "c:\Arc\").

Add Subfolders
This setting defines whether it's required to archive subfolders as well.

With Full Folders Structure
If the setting is turned on, files will be saved with the full current folders' structure in the archive. If the setting is turned off, information about the current folder and its subfolders only will be saved into the archive.

This is a password for archive. Archive will created without password if this field is empty.